Nos gustaría compartir con vosotros una selección de algunos de los muchos mensajes de agradecimiento que hemos recibido por parte de nuestros miembros:
Having the website and sharing my pictures on Facebook and then getting positive feedback helped give me the confidence to promote my work to Artesano in Moraira. I showed my work there for 3 months, selling pictures each month. I will be submitting work for the December show.
I don’t think I would have had the confidence to take my pictures to Artesano in the first place had I not got the positive feedback from Facebook, which I would not have had without the professional looking post shared from the website, which I would not have had without the training from GA.
Thank you Guardian Angels. I hope others can benefit from similar training.
The website building course has shown me how to set up a blogger site. My new range is online and I will be expanding my business into online shops in the new year. I knew how to create and use WordPress so it was great to learn another online set up style. Still undecided on which I prefer but the training has taught me some extra tools etc which are all written down in my bible….!!!
I well and truly picked Karla’s brains!! So thank you for the opportunity and watch out for some more online businesses…..!!
Vernon se ha desvivido por D, ha pasado mucho tiempo hablando con él y han practicado juntos la metodología del “hazlo por tí mismo”, la cual le ha sido de gran utilidad. Vernon y Celia han supuesto siempre una gran ayuda para mí, nada parecía ser nunca demasiado para ellos, y el poder tenerlos al otro lado de la línea telefónica cada vez que necesitaba desahogarme o me sentía baja de ánimos, ha sido maravilloso. Parecía como si tuvieran un caudal interminable de consejos constructivos y ecuánimes para cada ocasión, amén de que ambos han atravesado con éxito la crianza de sus dos hijos adolescentes.