Guardian Angels – Home

Founded in 2010, we are a Costa Blanca-based secular charity dedicated to helping ease the isolation of single-parent families with an on-call network of support. Our aim is to offer help in many forms such as mentoring, counselling, legal information, medical help, translation and much more. We also try to get lone mums and dads into the right, positive mindset through a series of workshops designed to improve the self-esteem of both parents and children, whilst helping to deal with the emotional and mental stress of raising a family single-handed.
We currently operate from the Dénia to Benidorm areas on the Costa Blanca in Spain but also give distance support to single parents in other countries. We are open to single parents of all nationalities and both sexes. We are happy to hear from single parents further afield and from anyone interested in starting a Guardian Angels ‘wing’ in another area, which we can help with.
We also have a list of Service Providers who have volunteered their services to members either free of charge or at reduced rates. We also have a team of mentors who are able to give emotional support to our members. To see what types of practical and financial help we are looking for please take a look at the Donations page.
If you would like to assist us by offering practical help and becoming a Service Provider, please click here.
If you are a single parent and would like to take advantage of the help and support that we can give, please take a few moments to register by clicking here.
Positive quote of the month
“When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us.” Helen Keller